14 Best Business Ideas: Easy Business Opportunities to Start with Less Than $500

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  • Post last modified:July 2, 2024


Welcome, aspiring entrepreneurs and overnight billionaires (or maybe just those who want to avoid living in their parents’ basement)! If you’re eyeing a business venture that won’t leave your pockets emptier than a magician’s hat, you’re in the right place. Who needs a million-dollar investment or a Silicon Valley VC backing when you can kickstart something awesome with just $500? Yes, you heard that right! Sometimes, the best ideas come on a shoestring budget—especially in a world where you can start a business with a laptop and a frappuccino. Affordable business opportunities are essential because, let’s face it, not everyone has gold bricks lying around. “This blog 14 Best Business Ideas: Easy Business Opportunities to Start with Less Than $500” aims to guide you through the treasure trove of 16 business ideas that won’t break the bank. Packed with engaging tips, insider hacks, and a sprinkle of humor, we’re here to show you that starting a business doesn’t have to be as daunting as trying to fold a fitted sheet. So, grab your coffee, get comfy, and let’s dive into a world where your entrepreneurial dreams can take flight without crashing and burning!

1.Freelance Writing

If you have a way with words and can spell ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’ without breaking a sweat, freelance writing might just be your golden ticket. You’ll need decent writing skills, a laptop, and the ability to work under the constant pressure of hitting deadlines (fun, right?). To find jobs, dive into platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and even niche forums. It’s like online dating, but with fewer commitment issues. Here’s a quick tip for success: don’t be a grammar anarchist. Tools like Grammarly are your best friends. Network like you’re at a high school reunion – but, you know, with people you actually want to meet. Always keep a backup of your work because, trust me, your computer knows the worst possible time to crash.

2.Virtual Assistant

Thinking of becoming a Virtual Assistant and bossing your own schedule? Picture this: you’re chilling in your PJs, managing someone’s calendar, handling admin tasks, or replying to emails, all from the comfort of your sofa. Sounds dreamy, right? The job description is quite varied, from customer support to social media management—basically, you’re the Swiss Army knife of remote workers. To dive in, check out platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or even the aptly named Fancy Hands. Yes, that’s an actual platform; I’m not making this up. Being a VA offers more than just the joy of working from home. It provides flexibility, a diverse array of tasks to prevent boredom, and the opportunity to become indispensable to your clients. Think of yourself as the superhero of administrative chaos—minus the spandex suit, of course. Now, isn’t that an affordable way to build an empire?

3.Social Media Management

So, you think managing the Facebooks and Instagrams of the world is a breeze? Ha! If only. But fear not, noble social media enthusiast. First things first, you need basic knowledge—yes, knowing how to double-tap isn’t enough. You should understand analytics, trends, and maybe have a bit of wit. People’s attention spans are like a goldfish on caffeine—super short. Now, how do you grow your clientele, you ask? Start by showcasing your dazzling skills on your profiles. Join groups where potential clients hang out, but please, resist the urge to spam. Network, don’t pester. Lastly, use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Canva because juggling multiple accounts without them is like trying to herd cats. And trust me, that never ends well. Good luck out there, you digital warrior. The social media battlefield awaits!

4.Handmade Products

Alright, so you have a flair for creativity and want to turn your love for arts and crafts into a money-making venture? Fantastic! From handmade jewelry and scented candles to custom greeting cards and quirky home decor, the possibilities are endless. And guess what? Even if your macaroni art didn’t impress your kindergarten teacher, there’s hope. Etsy is your new best friend – the virtual equivalent of a bustling street market where your unique creations can shine. But don’t stop there! Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great for showcasing your talent. Start small, think big. Flaunt your designs and use those hashtags like your life depends on it. Since you’re out to conquer the world, consider a targeted marketing strategy. Reach out to local influencers, collaborate on giveaways, or even attend craft fairs. Remember, in the world of handmade, your story sells as much as your product.


Thinking about tutoring but worried you’ll end up teaching your cat because no one else will sign up? Don’t fret! Subjects in demand like mathematics, science, and languages are always in vogue. If you have a penchant for explaining algebraic expressions to humans (and not just to feline friends), you’re in luck! Online platforms like Tutor.com, Chegg, and Wyzant have made it easier than ever to connect with students globally. Gone are the days of dealing with ungrateful kids who bring apples to their favorite teacher—and it’s never you. Instead, teach from the comfort of your home while wearing your favorite pajamas. To maximize your earnings, consider offering specialized courses or exam prep sessions at a higher rate. You could also get creative and host group sessions, squeezing more money out of your time like the last drop of toothpaste out of an almost-empty tube. After all, who doesn’t want a flourishing side gig that also lets you impart wisdom?

6.Pet Sitting

Ready to become every fur parent’s best friend? Welcome to the world of pet sitting, where you get paid to play with adorable creatures! Getting started? It’s as simple as loving animals—no, really. A pet-sitter profile on sites like Rover or PetSitter.com and a pic of you snuggling a kitten can magically open floodgates. Finding clients? Look no further than your neighborhood. Distribute some funky flyers at local pet stores, or whisper to your bougie neighbor whose dog has a Gucci collar. Things to consider: Pets have their quirks and a special diet of gluten-free, organic kibble isn’t unheard of. Allergic to cat hair? Well, maybe pet sitting’s not your ultimate calling. Be prepared for unexpected adventures (code for clean-ups and 3 AM litters). And yes, the client may ask you to send pet selfies. Enjoy your furry glory! Who knew $500 could turn into a multi-paw-mill empire?

7.Event Planning

So you fancy yourself the next event-planning prodigy, huh? Grab your sparkles because you’ll need more than that. First off, you need ninja-level organizational skills and the multitasking abilities of an octopus. Yes, you will have to remember Aunt Mildred’s lactose intolerance while setting up a bouncy castle. Can you say ‘skills’? Now, let’s talk event types. From five-year-old birthday bashes to corporate snooze-fests, there’s something for everyone. Weddings could make you cry, either from joy or sheer exhaustion. Not to forget the adrenaline-rushing last-minute cancellations—yay! Getting clients? Oh, you naïve runaway dreamer, it’s all about making connections. Network like your social life depends on it because it does. Host a free event, work hard, impress, and watch the referrals roll in. Considering the bridezilla-qsue scenarios you’ll dodge, word of mouth is your new bestie.

8.Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing—aka getting paid to rave about products you already love—is the dream, right? The basics: sign up with an affiliate program, get a unique link, and start promoting. When someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a commission. Boom! Cash for doing what you do best: having opinions. Now, let’s talk platforms. Amazon Associates is the big kahuna, but don’t sleep on ShareASale or ClickBank. Each has a treasure trove of products just waiting for your dazzling promotion skills. Here’s the secret sauce for success: be authentic. Your audience can smell a fake from a mile away. And niche down! If you’re obsessed with organic skincare, don’t hawk random kitchen gadgets. Keep it relevant, relatable, and above all, trustworthy. After all, in the wild world of affiliate marketing, your credibility is your currency. Happy linking!


So, what’s dropshipping? Imagine running a store without a single box of inventory cramming up your apartment. That’s dropshipping for you! You advertise products, get orders, and your suppliers handle the shipping. Easy peasy, right? But wait, don’t rush off to ask Uncle Google for random products to sell. Choosing products is an art! Opt for niche markets, because selling everything from unicorn pajamas to bacon-scented candles won’t cut it. Once you’ve zeroed in on your epic collection of goodies, it’s time to spread digital breadcrumbs everywhere. Marketing your store is like teaching your dog new tricks. Patience and the right approach matter! Use social media, Google Shopping ads, and maybe even knock on some influencer doors. Trust me, you’ll soon have a booming online bazaar while you sip coffee in your PJs!


Starting a blog sounds pretty artsy, doesn’t it? You, a steaming cup of coffee, and deep thoughts flowing like poetry onto the screen. But let’s be real for a second—setting up a blog is more like organizing a closet than summoning a muse. You’ll need a domain name (a quirky or professional one, your choice), a decent web hosting service, and a blog platform like WordPress. Voilà, your digital soapbox is ready! Now, let’s talk moolah. Monetization methods are your ticket to turning words into dollars. Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts—you’ve got a virtual buffet to choose from. Just don’t expect to bathe in gold coins like Uncle Scrooge right off the bat. But hold on; before you start counting your imaginary earnings, you need content. And good content doesn’t grow on trees, my friend. Create a mix of how-tos, personal stories, and evergreen content. Be consistent. Show up regularly, like that one persistent friend who never takes a hint. Oh, and don’t forget—engage with your readers. They love a good conversation.

11.Online Courses

Alright, friends, grab your virtual chalkboards, because we’re about to dive into the realm of Online Courses. First up, creating course content is your time to shine as the expert in whatever tickles your fancy—be it underwater basket weaving or mastering Excel. Genuinely deliver nuggets of wisdom in bite-sized chunks. Now, let’s talk platforms. You can’t just chisel your knowledge onto virtual stone tablets. Enter heroes like Udemy, Teachable, and Coursera, where you can upload your brilliance and watch the money roll in. Don’t worry; you won’t need degrees in rocket science to figure these out. Promotion? Oh, that’s where the magic happens! Sharing is caring, but it’s also profitable. Utilize social media, email lists, and even that community bulletin board you usually ignore. Your future students are out there just itching to throw their money at you for your dazzling expertise. Ready, set, course-create!


Stepping into the world of photography? Say cheese! First, you’ll need some essentials: a camera, obviously, and not just any camera. Think DSLR or mirrorless, depending on how fancy you want to get. A tripod, good lighting, and a few versatile lenses can go a long way. Now, onto the tricky part, finding clients. You’ll need to shine bright like your Canon flash. Start with friends, family, and your dog’s Instagram. Network both online and offline, and leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and some local event boards. Everybody wants to brag about their latte-art nowadays—photographers included. Monetizing your talent? It’s not all about overexposed wedding photos. From selling prints, stock photography, or offering portrait sessions, there are heaps of ways to turn clicks into cash. Remember, while the early bird gets the worm, the photographer gets the early bird shot and sells it on Shutterstock!

13.Consulting Services

Finding your niche in the consulting world is like trying to decide what kind of pizza you are—you’ll have better luck if you know your toppings. Whether you’re the metaphorical pepperoni or a supreme, hone in on what makes you, well, you. Now, promoting your services is where things get interesting! Think less about renting billboards and more about leveraging LinkedIn, attending networking events, and crafting a memorable elevator pitch. Don’t be the person handing out business cards like candy at Halloween; make genuine connections. Oh, and let’s talk money without making it weird. Setting your rates requires finesse—research the market, understand your value, and price yourself just shy of “out of reach.” If you’re too cheap, people might think your services come with a free set of steak knives. Too pricey and, well, crickets. Find the sweet spot and confidently own it.

14.Reselling Products

So, you’ve decided to dip your toes in the reselling waters. Well, grab your flippers because picking the right products is like a scavenger hunt. Flea markets, clearance sales, and thrift stores are where bargains blossom like daisies. Once you’ve scored some treasures, online marketplaces like eBay, Poshmark, and Facebook Marketplace are your modern-day lemonade stand. But wait, don’t just dive headfirst into the deep end. Scope out what’s hot and trending – no one wants to buy your collection of vintage potato peelers. Remember, presentation is key. Crisp photos and snappy descriptions will get you noticed, so channel your inner marketer. Always respond to customers promptly and keep them happy – think of them as digital goldfish needing constant attention. Before you know it, you’ll be swimming in profits rather than just skimming the surface!


So, you’ve made it to the end, congratulations! We’ve just zipped through a rollercoaster of fab business ideas, all doable with less than $500. Feels like we’ve cracked the code of a treasure chest, doesn’t it? Now, here’s my sage advice: Don’t wait for the stars to align or for a unicorn to bless your venture. Pick an idea, dive in, make mistakes, and learn. Remember, Rome wasn’t built by someone procrastinating on their couch. Go, start now! You’ve got this—hello, future tycoon!

FAQs for “14 Best Business Ideas You Can Start with Less than $500”


What is the blog about?

The blog is a comprehensive guide that walks you through 14 viable business ideas that can be started with an investment of less than $500.

Who is this guide for?

It is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business on a tight budget without risking their life savings.

Compatibility and Limitations

Do I need any special equipment to start these businesses?

Some businesses might require basic equipment, like a computer for an online seller or a camera for a photographer. The guide details these requirements for each idea.

Are there any geographical limitations?

Most of the business ideas can be started from anywhere, although some, like a mobile notary public or house cleaner, might be location-dependent.

Features and Benefits

What are the key features of this guide?

The key features include detailed startup steps, marketing strategies, investment breakdowns, and lists of necessary resources for each business idea.

How can this guide benefit me?

The guide will help you start a business with low initial investment, minimize financial risks, and offer you a variety of business opportunities to choose from.


Is it really possible to start a business with less than $500?

Yes, with the right strategy and hard work, the guide shows you how to create and grow a profitable business with a minimal initial investment.